Sunday, January 23, 2011

23/365 Green

23/365 January 23, 2011, originally uploaded by aquagirl 5.

It's a macro kinda day...........

Want to know how this shot evolved? OK, so I started out trying to take a picture of the dog, but she did not cooperate. But she is very fluffy, being an Inuit Sled dog and all. And since it's so cold out, I am wearing fluffy socks as well. The fluffy dog reminded me of the fluffy socks. So I tried to take a macro of the fluffy socks, but it was too boring. So I put the sock against a ballon for colour. THEN I noticed the knot on the ballon......and voila!
Yes, this really is how my mind works. Scary I know.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like the butthole of a green alien, Avatar perhaps. You're gross.
