Monday, January 3, 2011

3/365 Shiny and Pink

3/365 January 3 ,2011, originally uploaded by aquagirl 5.

I drive by this shiny , pink office building all the time. i always meant to snap a pic of it. But the thing is.....the closer you actually GET to a shiny pink building, the less shiny and pink it appears.

What did I learn today? I learned that one can, waste a WHOLE lot of time trying to transfer the idea in one's head into an actual photograph. I suppose thats the idea.........getting the camera to "paint" your vision for you.

I had many visions today but most of them did not pan out. But for me, the beauty of photography is the instantaneous nature of it. So lots of what I tried today did not work? No worries. Click, click, click and then move on. I used to do watercolours. Now THAT is labour intensive. A many step process before you end up with your artwork. And after spending all that time ? Most of my stuff ended up crumpled up.

What else did I learn today? I learned a little more about my D90. Had an issue with over exposure.....and now I know how to interpret a little bit more of the flashing , blinking myriad of info on the screen.

Camera watch out.....soon I WILL DOMINATE YOU!!!! Well, not soon. Who am I kidding. But eventually............

1 comment:

  1. Sexy and Broke, and Shiny and Pink are all descriptors of you! Am I the last one to get this joke?
