Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5/365 Mom

5/365 January 5 2011, originally uploaded by aquagirl 5.

It is literally impossible to get a good picture of my dear Mom. As soon as she senses the presence of a camera she makes the most god awful face imaginable. So I was very happy to get some good shots of her when she was reading the paper.

Now since my mother has a fear of computers in general and the internet in particular, she did not allow me to use my fav picture of her. She did allow me to use this one though, since she is not really herself but mere bokeh.

Once again I learned a lot . Since this was totally backlit, the exposure was tricky. And now that I am learning to understand what it is that my camera is trying to say to me, I was able to play around with the settings. But here is the thing....I actually kind of sort of KNEW what I was doing this time.

I love the way this turned out...........thanks Mom!

I think I am going to start to list what camera and what lens I used for each picture.
So today? Nikon D90 50mm f1.8 lens.

Have I mentioned how much I love this lens? It will probably just stay on my camera. Wonder if I can shoot the whole damn year with a 50 mm?

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