Sunday, January 9, 2011

9/365 Swishy Skirt

9/365 Swishy Skirt, originally uploaded by aquagirl 5.

Killing two birds with one stone: the theme for this weeks 365 group is self portrait. Check. And this is also for a weekly project with the theme "Sur la table." Check!

This is a tiny table........I am not a tiny girl. I am amazed it did not come crashing down!

What did I learn today? Well I learned that a bit of fiddling after a photo is taken is well worth it. And I mean just a wee bit of fiddling, since I do not yet own any fancy software with which to REALLY fiddle. Just using whats in iPhoto for now.

I am quite surprised to find myself sometimes messing with a photo after it is taken. I fully expected to hate it.But I am changing my tune. I used to paint. Watercolours were my thing. Endless fiddling. So I really loved that a photo was just instant. But now I see that a bit of post processing can take something that is just OK and make it into something better. I guess post processing is just another brush to use, another layer of paint to add. And just as with a painting, the trick is to know when to STOP messing with it.

1 comment:

  1. Now we're talking. Okay, how are you supported in this picture?
